Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day...

Let me take a moment to honor those that gave their lives for my FREEDOM. Without all of your sacrifices I seriously doubt I would have the blessings I enjoy (and sometimes take for granted) today. THANK YOU!

Yesterday was my birthday. It was such a lovely day. I spent the day with a group of people... that I lovingly call the family I chose for myself. They are another blessing in my life. They always seem to be there when I need them... so thankful!

I must confess... the pool party given in honor of Memorial Weekend and my birthday was arranged for by me. Hey... I've had some intense training and one of the things I learned in that training was "ask for what you need."

And what I needed was to be surrounded by people I love on my 48th birthday. I didn't want to spend it at home alone. So... what to do? Well.... you post to Facebook and ask if anyone is having a pool party on Memorial weekend that's what you do! LOL Two sets of my friends have lovely homes with pools they frequently open to all of us for gatherings. One set was on vacation in the cool pines of Northern Arizona. (How dare they didn't they know it was my birthday??? LOL)However, the other set graciously offered to bring the pool if I would organize the party.

So out went the Evites and the party was on. The friends who supplied the pool also bought me this awesome cake!

Isn't that just the coolest thing? The frosting the cakery used to make the grapes were made with grape flavored frosting!!!

I think fun was had by all. Thank you KL for cleaning up girlie!!! Thank you TnT for allowing us to use your beautiful home... and thank you to my friends for your presence, all the wonderful gifts and hugs... it was you that made the day so special.

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